Drunkness and Lots of Books
From Friday to Sunday night, I was at Immi's house. Which is why there were no blogs.
On Friday I arrived at Meadowhall station and then we did some shopping. I bought 5 Stephen King books and the newest in the Artemis Fowl series. Then we went back to Immi's house. I let 'Sparkler' (heh, Immi and her code names :P) read Earthsong, which she loved. Might get her a copy of it for Xmas, and I think Volume 2 comes out around her birthday so that would make things easy :P I read Night Shift and Immi stole Gerald's Game, and read it in a few hours. In the evening we watched Unanimous, which is a program where 9 people are put underground with no windows or anything and have to stay there until they decide which one of them gets £1,000,000. I can't believe any of them will actually manage to agree XD That was fun. There was internet and eating food and stuff, and I showed everyone my Halloween costume and my new ear piercing.
Saturday was various bits of internet, eating things and setting the timer to record X Factor. Then we got ready for the Halloween party. I went as a zombie, covered in fake blood and with lots of holes in my clothes, and black and green makeup all over my face and arms. It was lots of fun getting ready :D However, I can't remember much of the party, because the nice lady who was having the party gave me vodka, and I drank way too much of it. Spent most of the party trying to stand up and falling flat on my face =D Then went back to Immi's and watched a bit of the X Factor recording, and went to bed. I had to get up several times in the night to drink water, because I'd got myself dehydrated. I had an on and off headache all Sunday, and I've still got it now. I've also felt quite sick.
On Sunday I got up quite early and showered to try to sort out my head, it sort of worked. Then watched the rest of the X Factor with the childs, ate nice food, went on the computer and went to Meadowhall. I bought 3 more Stephen King books and a nice top from Topshop. Then we had to run for the train, which I missed by 2 minutes and had to sit on the cold platform waiting for an hour and a quater because the waiting room shut at half past four and my train wasn't until quater to six. Ugh, and there were loud loud chavs everywhere. I read Firestarter.
All the books which I bought:
Night Shift
The Bachman Books (Rage, The Long Walk, Roadwork, The Running Man)
Gerald's Game
The Shining
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
Artemis Fowl 5
So, I am very happy =D I've read Night Shift and Firestarter, which were both excellent, and now I'm reading Running Man (already read The Long Walk as one of my lovely illegal ebooks :P).
It's been nice getting back to school, although I'm a bit behind from missing 3 days. Not too far behind in Sociology, but WAY behind in art and English. We've got to have finished reading The Scarlet Letter by Wednesday - I think I'll read a good summary on the internet. I have GOOD books to read :P
I am Reading: The Running Man, by Stephen King
I am Listening to: This week's X Factor MP3s
I am Watching: Nothing
I am Writing: Plans for NaNoWriMo novel Waterlevel
Going to Immi's house tomorrow. I just painted my nails redgold and finished reading the book I was reading - it was an (illegal) ebook so I couldn't take it with me. I just downloaded a folder containing 99 Stephen King books and short stories. I've only read one so far - The Long Walk. I think it might be my new favourite. Maybe.
The dogs got attacked by vicious dogs 2 days ago. Hippolyta's fine but Thisbe got 3 huge cuts on her side and needed surgery (she had a drain put in to stop it getting too swollen). Even with that her side is all puffed up and she looks sad most of the time, though today she managed to take off the t-shirt she was wearing to stop her licking at her wounds, and then jumped on and off mum's bed. So I guess she's recovering pretty well :)
I might be getting all my November money tomorrow, so I can shop at Immi's if I need to. This makes me very happy :D especially as I probably won't have time to shop at all in November cos of NaNoWriMo. I've got it pretty well planned now, though I'm trying to keep the plot fairly spontanious so I can avoid the mess that happened last year. Fucking Lilly... anyway, I think I'm going to do pretty well.
I've got a new piercing :D only an extra ear one, but it's still great. I know about the whole 6 week rule and things, but I've already changed it once and it went fine. I'll keep this one in for a bit now though, just to make sure. Then I might put a few more holes in. I'd like one more on each side, so it'll be 2 and 3. I don't want them to be symetrical though. Then I might do my eyebrow, though I know that would hurt more and I'd have to get a bar to put in it before I did it and then mum would know what I was up do :P
Jossy should be back from working soon, and we shall watch V for Vendetta, and maybe Misery which I recorded off the TV last night. And I need to find my phone and camera and things for taking to Immi's.
::runs away::
I am Reading: The Long Walk, by Stephen King (just finished it)
I am Listening to: Nothing
I am Watching: V for Vendetta very soon :)
I am Writing: Nothing! All prepared for NaNo.
Jossy's Here!
And my website has been updated - it can now be found HERE. Those bastards at dotTK deleted it because it hadn't been visited enough. Grr. I'll put it back on there when it's more popular, or I might just buy a proper website :P
This is going to be a bit of a links post XD I feel the need to advertise things which I like.
GaiaOnline is an awesome forum site, with games and lots of other fun stuff. You get a character you can dress up. My username on there is Etcetera Kitten, join + chat to me!
Neopets is a slightly childish but very fun site where you can own a pet (or 4 pets, whatever). Yes, it's for children but the games are fun and it's quite addictive. If you sign up, I get neopoints, so please do :D
Earthsong is a really pretty webcomic/manga that I read all the time. The art is SO pretty, go look at it.
DeviantArt is a huge online art gallery. My gallery is HERE.
I'll probably think of more later, but those are some of my favourite sites. Also, another one of my websites will be coming soon. More information on that later ;)
Anyway, Jossy arrived yesterday. Me and my mum went to pick her up in Huddersfield, and she was like an hour late so mum was sure she was like, dead. But she wasn't, and so we came home and watched X Factor :D We watched most of the auditions and Saturday's live show on DVD. It was teh fun :D
She's out working all day today which is sad, she won't get back until about 8. But then we're going to watch the rest of the auditions and bootcamp, and maybe watch V for Vendetta if we have time.
My plans for today include doing another nail design for my site, putting up the photos of my nail polishes on the Equipment page, taking some photos for DeviantArt, doing some art homework (maybe)... not much else. Some more planning for NaNoWriMo, and fix my excel thingy for wordcount.
I am Reading: Artemis Fowl, by Eoin Colfer
I am Listening to: Nothing, I'll put some music on in a bit
I am Watching: X Factor later!
I am Writing: Plans for NaNoWriMo novel Waterlevel (title may change)
So much for the 1 blog each day thing!
I meant to write one yesterday after X Factor but TOTALLY forgot. Oh well :)
X Factor was pretty good. I'm not so sure about the whole theme thing though - we've now lost 2 good acts because the theme just didn't suit them. The Unconventionals, admittedly, made some silly mistakes. 6 people cannot all sing lead. But still, I don't think the song suited their style. And 4 Sure DEFINATELY weren't happy with the song they got given.
Though of course, it does avoid the annoying thing we had last year with Andy singing practically the same song every week. Nearly dozed off every time he appeared on screen. And most people are adapting pretty well to what they get given, so it's ok.
Ben's better than I was thinking he'd be. I hated his first audition, didn't like him in bootcamp, but he's much better in the live shows. He could win, though I'd like to see a girl or a group win, seeing as it's not happened before. Eton Road are awesome, and so is Kerry. I could see Leona winning, but PLEASE not Nikita. 'My mum is watching over me' I fucking GET IT, and I'm bored now.
I mean, I'm sorry her mum died. I'm sure it's sad and I'd be much more sympathetic if she didn't talk about it so much. It's also annoying how she inflicts her religious/spiritual views on everyone else. We don't all believe dead people's souls float around watching the X Factor, you know.
Dionne is surprisingly good, as is Robert who was barely shown all through bootcamp and judges homes. He got rid of that awful hairstyle as well, which makes me happy :) Ray and Ashley, however, have just gone badly downhill since their first auditions. They're starting to annoy me.
Other than X Factor, not much happened yesterday. I tidied my room - or at least, my mum did. I sat on the bed in case there were spiders. As it was I ended up picking up an old school book and a huge spider marched out from inside it. Ugh. 3 more came out of my desk, a few more from behind some boxes, etc. Fucking spiders, I'm not sleeping in my room at the moment. Purple room is safer - it's less messy so I can check for spiders easier. Even so, the first night I was in there we had to move 4, and I woke up at about 3am to see another one walking about on the ceiling. Then there was ANOTHER in there the next day. I hate my house. When I move out I'm going to paint the walls with fucking bug spray. Of where I go live, that is, not this house. The next people can deal with this place's spider problems.
It is now officially half term - or at least, it is tomorrow. Right now it's just the weekend. Not got many plans. I'm going to bleach my hair again, do moped training one day, got an appointment with the psychologist who thinks he knows fucking everything, etc etc. Might get a hair cut, might not. Probably not. I need to catch up with my Art AS work, I thought art was going to be the nice, fun easy subject. Umm... no. English is the easy one, Sociology is the fun. Actually, Sociology's pretty easy as well. I've got A on both essays so far (the average grade in my class is E-).
I need to give the link to this blog to some people. Immi's the only person reading this right now O-o Time to advertise :D
Ok, now Laurie has the link, and it's my MSN personal message (replacing the delightful 'slurp slurp' quote =D). That should get some attention. I like blogs here more than myspace, that site is bitchy about copy and pasting. Though the photos and layouts and things on myspace are much funs =D
I am Reading: Tithe, by Holly Black
I am Listening to: Last night's X Factor MP3s (Kerry right now :) )
I am Watching: Nothing, might watch the Matrix later though. Havn't for a while.
I am Writing: Plans for NaNoWriMo novel Waterlevel (title may change)
Finally a real blog post. I'm going to try to update this one every day, seeing as I kind of don't on myspace, and I gave up on LJ forever ago.
The last three days have been abitshit. I started feeling a bit ill on Tuesday, and woke up Wednesday morning with an awful cold =( I spent most of that day in bed, and on Thursday and today I needed the whole morning as well. I'm feeling a bit better now though, so hopefully I'll be able to do stuff over half term and not have to sleep most of the time.
Half term should be fun, my sister Jossy is coming to stay from Monday until (I think) Friday. Then my mum was talking about me going to stay with my other sister Immi, but I don't know if she's actually asked Immi about that, or if she even seriously has any plans about me going there. Heh, we'll see.
Plans for the day include...
Myspace, MSN, GaiaOnline, Neopets and other websites.
Reading. I read all the princess diary books in the last 2 days, as well as rereading Carrie and reading Everything's Eventual. I've read Earthsong (amazing good manga/comic) 4 or 5 times, and read through the unpublished bits of it online at EarthsongSaga.com
The whole comic's online there, totally worth reading. The art is SO pretty.
Apparently, I also have to tidy my room.
I might do some more planning for NaNoWriMo as well, though I think I can probably do this story without planning. It's so surreal and generally odd that I can just throw random crap into it as I go along. Only bad think is I can't write it after dark, cos it scares the shit out of me :) I like it though, my main characters are awesome.
Immi should do NaNo this year :( it saddens me that she doesn't want to. Oh well.
Might post another blog later, if anything interesting happens. If not, I shall post tomorrow.
I am Reading: The Dragon Hoard, by Tanith Lee
I am Listening to: Nothing
I am Watching: Nothing
I am Writing: Plans for NaNoWriMo novel Waterlevel (title may change)
The 'One Book' tag game
1) One book that changed your life:
Eeep. Hard first question. There's probably a few. Needful Things, by Stephen King. Not one of his best, but it was the first book I'd read by him (apart from Running Man - but this was recommended to me by my mother when I was only 9 and far too young to understand it. Just shocked by all the swearing and violence and textual nudity. Anyway, the book was accompanied by a lecture about how it was the only Stephen King book I should ever read, because he is a sick sick man and all his books are pointless sickness and Running Man is the only uplifting book he's ever written. Whateverrrrrrrr.) and it got me into a whole new lot of books that I probably wouldn't have read (at least for a few more years) otherwise. The Phantom of the Opera, by Gaston Leroux. That turned me into a rabid fangirl, which has permanantly influenced the way I read other books. This book in my school library about fingernail decorating, gave me some really good ideas that I use all the time (not a novel but whatever XD). I'm sure there's more, my life gets changed quite a lot, you see.
2) One book that you would read more than once:
Umm... nearly everything. Recently, I've reread Carrie (Stephen King), Dreamcatcher (Stephen King), The Princess Diaries (Meg Cabot), Coraline (Neil Gaiman). Books I've read more than twice are Phantom of the Opera (Gaston Leroux), Phantom (Susan Kay), Most of the Redwall books (Brian Jaques (sp?)), and a ton of others I can't think of right now. I will reread Uglies (forgotten who the author is, damnit), The Wasp Factory (Iain Banks), Everything's Eventual (Stephen King, short stories), The Time Traveller's Wife (Audrey Niffenegger). And loads of others XD I like to reread. Ooooo, almost forgot! Have read Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice at least 6 times!
3) One book you would want on a deserted island:
Ugh. Only one? I would get bored of it. Badly. Everything's Eventual, by Stephen King, simply because it's short stories so I could alternate which bits I read. But I wouldn't be happy with only one book, let me tell you :P
4) One book that made you laugh:
The Princess Diaries, by Meg Cabot. I've read the first 5 of them this week while I was ill in bed and it made me happy. I'm sure there's others, can't think right now though.
5) One book that made you cry:
::repetitive:: Carrie (Stephen King), Phantom of the Opera (Gaston Leroux), Phantom (Susan Kay)... damnit I've typed all the same books for nearly every question and now I can't think of anything else I've read! Time Traveller's Wife (Audrey Niffenegger) (read this on Immi's blog and was like, oh yeah I cried in that one XD). I'm sure there's more though. I cry over books and movies a lot.
Ok, I totallly failed the 'one' book thing. Oops. But so did Immi! ::points::
I am Reading: Carrie, by Stephen King (just finished it, whatever)
I am Listening to: Nothing
I am Watching: Nothing
I am Writing: Plans for NaNoWriMo novel Waterlevel (title may change)