Thursday, October 26, 2006


Going to Immi's house tomorrow. I just painted my nails redgold and finished reading the book I was reading - it was an (illegal) ebook so I couldn't take it with me. I just downloaded a folder containing 99 Stephen King books and short stories. I've only read one so far - The Long Walk. I think it might be my new favourite. Maybe.

The dogs got attacked by vicious dogs 2 days ago. Hippolyta's fine but Thisbe got 3 huge cuts on her side and needed surgery (she had a drain put in to stop it getting too swollen). Even with that her side is all puffed up and she looks sad most of the time, though today she managed to take off the t-shirt she was wearing to stop her licking at her wounds, and then jumped on and off mum's bed. So I guess she's recovering pretty well :)

I might be getting all my November money tomorrow, so I can shop at Immi's if I need to. This makes me very happy :D especially as I probably won't have time to shop at all in November cos of NaNoWriMo. I've got it pretty well planned now, though I'm trying to keep the plot fairly spontanious so I can avoid the mess that happened last year. Fucking Lilly... anyway, I think I'm going to do pretty well.

I've got a new piercing :D only an extra ear one, but it's still great. I know about the whole 6 week rule and things, but I've already changed it once and it went fine. I'll keep this one in for a bit now though, just to make sure. Then I might put a few more holes in. I'd like one more on each side, so it'll be 2 and 3. I don't want them to be symetrical though. Then I might do my eyebrow, though I know that would hurt more and I'd have to get a bar to put in it before I did it and then mum would know what I was up do :P

Jossy should be back from working soon, and we shall watch V for Vendetta, and maybe Misery which I recorded off the TV last night. And I need to find my phone and camera and things for taking to Immi's.

::runs away::

I am Reading: The Long Walk, by Stephen King (just finished it)
I am Listening to: Nothing
I am Watching: V for Vendetta very soon :)
I am Writing: Nothing! All prepared for NaNo.


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