Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Party Yay

The Halloween party went pretty well :)

Emily arrived at like 3, and we got ready together and then watched the X Factor. I did some of my case study work as well and then we got everything out for the party. No one arrived on time - as usual - but at 8.30 my college buddies arrived (Elly, Izzy, Charlotte and Jess). We didn't have enough guys so we invited Jonny and because he came without a costume he ended up wearing a denim dress with pink edges, a straw hat and high heels. Then Jordan turned up and knocked on the window which scared everyone. Charlotte talked David Pilgrim into coming down - which was somewhat awkward, and it didn't help that he sat in silence for most of the evening and didn't speak to anyone - and he arrived about the same time as David McGhee, who was more friendly but would not wear a dress.
Jess and Charlotte took Jonny into the attic for a while, and then everyone hung out together in my old bedroom making prank calls. A few of us had a 'how many people can fit into a double bed' competition - the answer was 4 but when my mum walked in it was 3 - me, Jonny and David McGhee. She didn't seem at all surprised, lawl.
Jess and Charlotte took Jonny back into the attic, me and David slept in my room and everyone else slept in my old room, and Charlotte ended up there as well, leaving Jess and Jonny trapped in the attic. Elly went up there and offered them apple juice - then came into my room and did the same. Was not entirely impressed :P
Next day the college buddies left early to do case study work. Emily left around 11.30 and Jordan left at 12. David M stayed until like 6, when I went back to college.
Also there was a bright orange cake which was yummy. And bacons. Mmmmmmmm. And lasagne.
Next party will probably be mid February, for my birthday. Be there!

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Halloween Party

Ok, here it is:

Cleo Rose's Halloween Party will be at 8pm on Saturday 27th October. It's an all night party - so if possible bring a sleeping bag, pillow, anything you've got. My mum's being a bit tight with alcohol this time so any extra bottles can definately be used - but you don't have to bring anything except your luffly selves.

Fancy dress is a must, or you will be put into a costume of my choice, which you may not enjoy wearing.

If you can't make it for the start turn up any time - but bear in mind although it's an all night party we may all be asleep any time from 2am onwards, so call if you want someone to stay up and let you in.

If you don't have my address contact either Emily Pilgrim or Jordan Penny, my gorgeous party organisers. If you don't know them, ring me on the number posted a few entries ago.

Anyone nice is welcome - the blacklist is anyone I've slept with (you know who you are). Bring a friend, newbies are always a good thing.

See you Saturday!

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Thursday, October 18, 2007


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Half Term Assessment

Pretty much a garunteed fail I think. I forgot how to do everything. Questions were fine, actually doing stuff, not so much. I'd never done a clay mask before (which is NOT my fault) and Mrs Cusworth had a go at me for it. Then I forgot how to do a manicure - which I'm like, amazing at usually. I got the tint all over Miranda's face (which I have NEVER done before) and knocked someone else's tools off their trolly trying to get my fat ass back in after changing the water.

Just a reminder - Halloween party. Be there. 27th oct.

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Keep in touch, luffs.

I just noticed a lot of people who I'm supposedly friends with don't have my MSN or number. So, here's some contacty stuff: - this is my new MSN and email. Add me.

07875544127 - new phone number - text it, phone it, etc.

Anyone I know in real life or have known for a LONG time over the internet can have my address to write to me if they want to - but because I live with other people I can't give it out to just anyone because my house mates would kill me with sticks, kay?

And don't forget - Halloween party, Saturday 27th Oct, almost everyone is invited, let me know if you want to come :D Not sure what time it's starting yet, but it's an all night thing so anyone who can't make it for the start can come late (this means YOU David M).

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Omg, Half Term Assessment!

Am I nervous? Yes. Monday and Tuesday were runthroughs for the half term assessment, but I was ill on Monday (fucken Flu) so I didn't get to practise. Additionally, I cba revising. So yeah, I'm probably going to fail.

It's not like it's the real exam though - it's not even the mock. It's just for internal grades so I should be ok.

It's almost NaNoWriMo time - I AM planning to do it even though I've got college 9 - 5.30 every day. + Homework and Case Studies. I'll write something easy and silly though - like a Mary Sue fanfic or something. Don't want to try anything too stressful this year.

This weekend Immi, her husband and childs (not using names online cos she doesn't and I don't want her to hit me with sticks) are coming to visit (Halifax house, not Yeadon) so I'm going home to see them :D Will be so much funs. Also, first of the X Factor live shows on Saturday (I think) which will be super exciting. I luff Alisha and Hope so far - but none of them really suck so it should be a decent show :D

Weekend after I'm having a halloween party - Saturday 27th. Let me know if you want to come, most people are invited but there is, as always, a short black list. Don't just turn up :P Fancy dress is a must - if you turn up in normal clothes you will be put into a costume I choose for you and it may not be flattering. Look what happened to David McGhee when he came to my Red Dwarf party out of costume!

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Saturday, October 06, 2007

Woo, Laptop!

Updates are about to get a lot more regular - I'm getting a laptop to take to college. We're going to pick it up in Huddersfield this afternoon. I can access the internet from college and we might be getting broadband in our house as well.

In other news - I can now manicure, pedicure, give mini facials and facial massages, tint eyebrows, tint eyelashes, shape eyebrows, wax legs, wax arms and use two types of facial eletrical machines. I can also do full body aromatherapy massage, but we haven't learned all the oils yet.

College Salon is open Wednesday afternoons and all day Friday - currently doing manicures, pedicures, mini facials, eyebrow shaping and tinting and eyelash tinting. Contact me if you want to book an appointment - I'll give you the number to ring. Girls only I'm afraid, all treatments are done in the same room and for facials ladies have to take their tops off (and pants off for waxing) so obviously guys can't be in there perving.

Also, I have new hair. There will be pics at some point, promisssss.

Btw, if you keep calling me Regan you'll be breaking the law - it's officially Cleo now lawl. I'm used to it already, everyone at college knows me as Cleo so I got used to hearing it pretty quickly. It's fun :D

I saw Atonement with my mother last night - it's an awesome film, go see it. I cried most of the way through though XD. The book is better I think, but it's great to see it on screen.

Some more films I need to see:

- I Know Who Killed Me
- 30 Days of Night
- 28 Weeks Later
- Notes on a Scandal

I'm downloading I Know Who Killed Me at the moment :D

Got to run now, singing lesson in 20 mins and I've got some shit to sort out first.

(btw David Pilgrim had sex with Hayley Moorhouse, pass it on.)

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