Saturday, June 16, 2007

It's Caturday!


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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Badfic Collection

Just so you guys can see what I'm complaining about.

Red Dwarf:

Kochanski/Cat, Rimmer/Kryten, Everyone/Kochanski and Lister/Rimmer
To Ganymede and Titan...
(Message from Em: 'It's dreadful xD')

Will edit when we (Em's here) find more D:

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Pan died.

Not really feeling ready to blog about it, and we don't really know what happened yet. Just thought I'd post.

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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Alcohol = Depressant

Just getting the effects of the party last weekend. Feeling abitshit. I think I should give up drinking like, for a long time. And it'll be easier to lose weight if I'm not drinking vodka every few weeks.

I slept over at Em's last night. We played on the Nintendo, watched Mean Girls and had a very short water fight. We started watching some Star Wars at bedtime but I fell asleep less than 15 mins in. Emily's drooling kept her awake though ;)

Tomorrow I'm going to do half an hour of exercise and write 1000 words of a book I started forever ago. Also, me and thee moth hair are going out to get her a new sewing machine so she can make me some clothing, and I'm going to buy some new makeup cos I am SO low it is crazy. Got 1 day worth of powder left, maybe 3 of blusher and no foundation at all. Could use a new lipgloss as well, all mine are sucky.

Now, I do not mean to bitch and whine, especially about something that I have already bitched and whined about, but WHY is there no Red Dwarf fanfic or fan art? I mean, there is some, obviously. But all the fanfic is slash, and most of it really crappy slash as well. And there is such a tiny amount of fan art and most of that sucks as well. With the amount of RD fans there are, I'm surprised there's so little fic around. I mean, even if you count the unreadable badfic there's still not all that much. S'crazy.

Anyway. 'moff. Another post at some point, maybe even tomorrow :o

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Saturday, June 02, 2007


I spend all that time writing a blog post and all the comments are about the same 1 paragraph? Nice. How about commenting on our gorgeous costumes, or how amazing it is that I didn't sleep more than about 3 hours. Or hell, you could comment on Emily's obsessing over Ewan Mcgreagor :P

Pssh, you people are so fixated.

Lawl, so, this week. I went to Immi's on Tuesday and came home yesterday (Friday). While I was there me and the neices watched series 3, 4, 5, 6 and some of 7 of Red Dwarf. We played with Mr Flibble, the childs loved him. We also went to Whitepost Farm and saw baby animals and also a mutant sheep. Me and Immi watched the Big Brother launch - looks like it's going to be good, am watching this year. We also made bread rolls in interesting shapes - I made a Starbug and put green icing on it. I'll take a photo in a bit and put it online :)

Today I painted my nails blue, they look so pretty. In a bit I'm going to clean out the goat house but they're inside having a nap right now so I don't want to disturb them. I am also hungry, and need food. I didn't eat breakfast because I was feeling randomly sick :( but am better now and so must snack.

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