Halloween Party Yay
Emily arrived at like 3, and we got ready together and then watched the X Factor. I did some of my case study work as well and then we got everything out for the party. No one arrived on time - as usual - but at 8.30 my college buddies arrived (Elly, Izzy, Charlotte and Jess). We didn't have enough guys so we invited Jonny and because he came without a costume he ended up wearing a denim dress with pink edges, a straw hat and high heels. Then Jordan turned up and knocked on the window which scared everyone. Charlotte talked David Pilgrim into coming down - which was somewhat awkward, and it didn't help that he sat in silence for most of the evening and didn't speak to anyone - and he arrived about the same time as David McGhee, who was more friendly but would not wear a dress.
Jess and Charlotte took Jonny into the attic for a while, and then everyone hung out together in my old bedroom making prank calls. A few of us had a 'how many people can fit into a double bed' competition - the answer was 4 but when my mum walked in it was 3 - me, Jonny and David McGhee. She didn't seem at all surprised, lawl.
Jess and Charlotte took Jonny back into the attic, me and David slept in my room and everyone else slept in my old room, and Charlotte ended up there as well, leaving Jess and Jonny trapped in the attic. Elly went up there and offered them apple juice - then came into my room and did the same. Was not entirely impressed :P
Next day the college buddies left early to do case study work. Emily left around 11.30 and Jordan left at 12. David M stayed until like 6, when I went back to college.
Also there was a bright orange cake which was yummy. And bacons. Mmmmmmmm. And lasagne.
Next party will probably be mid February, for my birthday. Be there!