Tuesday, February 06, 2007

New found respect for the age of consent

...so this is why we have laws. Give a 14 year old a shag, and they'll NEVER leave you alone. Ever. Nearly a year after we broke up Stuart R still seems to think I'm his property - he can be rude to me, he can lie to me, he can have multiple girlfriends who don't know the meaning of the word contraception (interestingly, they're all underage as well. I'm seeing a pattern here) and STILL expect me to give him sex when he needs it.
What the fuck?
I spent the weekend with my friend Emily, my ex boyfriend Nick, and his new girlfriend Jayde (who is also a good friend of mine). There was lots of silliness, and we all ended up in our panties (Nick included - yay for crossdressers). But there was no sex. No pestering for sex. No expectations. No puppy dog eyes. No emo rants about how little he gets laid.
This is what an ex boyfriend should be like. The big difference is, I'm sure, that Nick is 17. Stuart is a little kid.
Now Stuart's harrassing me over MSN again, acting like he's done nothing wrong. He had his last chance and now it is OVER, I'm not even speaking to the little wanker.

Fun fact: Stuart has NEVER had sex with a girl he'd been totally honest with. Not once. That's because he has no looks, no personality and a tiny penis. The only way he can get a girl is to pretend to be something that he's not. And that's just pathetic.

Anyway, anyway, anyway. I watched Equilibrium last night, because my friend Saphy recommended it to me. I checked it out on IMDB first, and that kind of lowered my expectations of it. The EQ fans were ranting about how much the Matrix sucked, while the Matrix fans were 'invading' and claiming EQ was a terrible copy of the Matrix. Me being a Matrix fan (although mature enough not to do forum invades - that's just sad) I thought I'd probably not like it much.
TBH, it was nothing like the Matrix. The main character did lots of fighting and shooting and wore a black coat. That's where the similarity ends (pretty much, there's probably more if you search for it. But I was looking for entertainment, not stuff to insult).
It's not a bad movie. Bits of it are awesome, in fact most of it is awesome. The ending is kind of abrupt, and there's some SHIT effects where a guy gets his face sliced off. It's just lol - Saph said it reminded her of Kill Bill. It's nothing like, it's more like Slither (tacky, silly horror). But, the puppy he rescues is adorable, and the fighting stuff with guns is quite cool. It's not going to be a favourite for me, but I enjoyed it and it was better than I expected. The fans let it down - why are so many fans fucking morons?

btw, NOO CAT has been deleted from Youtube. Search for 'Poor Kitty' instead for the same video.

I think that's all I have to say :)

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