Thursday, May 03, 2007

I'm ill off school and...

Electricity is due to be switched off at any second. I can't play games, chat or even revise. I can't watch DVDs except on my tiny portable DVD player, which I love but only has I think 3 hours when fully charged. And today series 1-8 of Red Dwarf are arriving on DVD, and I will have to CHOOSE WHICH 6 EPISODES TO WATCH INSTEAD OF WATCHING THEM ALL. ARGH.

I hate lack of electricity. Urgh.

In other news, the DVDs I just mentioned have taken £50 out of my £70 allowence for this month (the other £70 has gone towards my goat debts). With my £20 left, I need to get my niece a birthday present. So yeah, no money this month XD

HOWEVER at half term (most likely, summer if not) me and my other geek friends are going to get together for a brilliant idea me and Emily came up with - to watch every episode of Red Dwarf without breaks, which will take almost exactly 24 hours. No one sleeps. Short toilet breaks are allowed, and obviously I will have to feed the goats a few times. The best bit is though...

We're going to dress up (as long as enough people are willing too - David looked terrified) XD Em wants to dress up as the Cat. No one else has really decided yet XD David M is going to come, and so is Jordan P. Emily thinks her brother (Other David) will want to come, so that is good :D

Anyone else who's found this blog, who I know, who wants to come, just tell me. More people = more fun.

I'll take lots of photos. :D

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

"as long as enough people are willing too - David looked terrified"

Lol, just a little.

Oh dear god, my printer is crap.

11:56 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, it was never actually Emily's idea. We had the idea in about year 7 and continually spoke about it for the last 5 years. We never got round to doing yet though.

8:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is Al?

10:02 pm  
Blogger Cleo said...


It WAS Emily's idea this time around. You never got around to doing it, we had no idea that you ever had even considered it. And, considering your lack of motivation, we all know it would have never got done.

Also, what the christ are you doing on my blog when you've not spoken to me for nearly a year?

6:29 pm  
Blogger Cleo said...


Smeg-for-brains. You don't have any friends to watch 26 hours of TV with you.

6:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of us don't get about a £100 spending money off our parents. Oh and it's Al by the way. And it's only been 7 months.

10:16 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha, he/she didn't deny it XD

7:24 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And 7 months is nearly a year.

7:25 pm  
Blogger Cleo said...

Lol, what does my allowence have to do with this? For what we're doing you need all 8 series of Red Dwarf (between the people doing it, you don't even need to own them all yourself), a TV with a DVD player, and a few old clothes to make a costume. Obviously, Red Dwarf Parties are only available to the super rich.

We aren't close enough friends for me to use your nickname. Until you show me a deed poll, you're Alan.

7:31 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We used to be close enough. What happened to that? Oh yeah, you had a go at me for telling people my dad had a stroke.

7:45 pm  

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