Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Goat Shopping

I left the house at 7.45 today - woah. Mum had to take the courtesy car back and get ours. It's so pretty and shiny - they got rid of the big scratchy dent. She was going to drop me off at school on the way back but I had stomach ache (I'm dieting again) so she brought me home and I ate some healthy pasta. I made the sauce, here is what I put in:

Pasata (obvz)
Mild Chili Powder
Lemon Juice

Then I cooked it and cooked some spaghetti and ate it. Yummeh.

In a few minutes, when mum gets home with the dogs, we're going shopping for stuff for the goats. The most exciting will be the collars, leads and name tags. I love choosing + seeing the machine cut out the names. We also need goat baby formula, a feeding bottle, feed and drink buckets, a hay rack, and lots of hay and straw. We're most likely getting the goats on Saturday - the shed might be arriving a few days later but we can keep them in the old dog crate in the gym, and take them for lots of walks. They're only little at the moment :)

I'm off now - going to check myspace, wee, and get ready to go out.

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